DSWD SULONG Recovery Plan
DSWD Administrative Order No. 17, Series of 2020
Posted 04 May 2021
Management Report
Posted 18 October 2021
Learning from the first six months of recovery plan implementation based on the series of office-level operations and program-level operations reviews, progress monitoring will focus on the following:
Implementation of catch-up plan of BANGUN to speed up the distribution of micro-nutrient feeding supplement to 15,000 children in Bangsamoro areas.
Review and possible recalibration of plans related to KALAHI-CIDDS-NCDDP and BALIK PROBINSYA, BAGONG PAGASA PROGRAM.
Designing and implementation of the Strategic Performance Assessment approved by PGS Core Team and Leadership Team.
Continuous process coaching and orientation about the DSWD PGS Strategy Journey and the PGS Proficiency Evaluation Process.
Development of IEC Materials and DSWD Strategy Learning Modules for Personnel.
Consolidation and preparation of documentary evidence for the PGS Proficiency Evaluation Process.
Download the full report here.
The DSWD SULONG (Strategic Focus Utilized to Leverage Our Nation's Good Governance) Recovery Plan 2021-2022 is envisioned to contribute to the protection of vulnerable sectors through responsive and appropriate social protection programs and services. It considered the people in need and the target clients while ensuring that processes of the Department are improved and its employees' safety is addressed.
Updated 01 September 2021
With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, the trajectory of the Department’s implementation of the Performance Governance System was adversely affected. On 25 March 2020, the President signed the Bayanihan to Heal as One Act (RA 11469) which aims to adopt and implement measures to prevent further spread of the coronavirus, and mitigate the adverse socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis. These developments also called for immediate activation of the Inter-Agency Task Force - Emerging Infectious Disease (IATF-IED) to control the spread of COVID-19 and manage further impact brought about by this pandemic to the country. All member agencies of IATF-EID have tasked to develop a Response and Recovery Plan, hence the DSWD issued AO No. 03, s. 2020 (DSWD COVID-19 Response and Recovery Plan 2020-2022).
Given this pandemic, the Department faced with the challenges of responding to the needs of the emerging national situation and the pursuit of its proficiency journey along with its strategy implementation. Furthermore, the Department need to consider the implementation of Mandanas Ruling wherein some of the programs and projects of the Department will be devolved to the LGUs. As such, both the current strategy and the AO 3 were reviewed. For the current strategy, recalibration has been adopted as the strategy design. On the other hand, the AO 3 was found as purely response plan, targets are limited to CY 2020 and specific only to the implementation of the DSWD’s social amelioration program. With the identified gaps in AO3 and clear direction of the existing strategy, the crafting of a new plan as an interim implementation of strategy was need to be developed, hence the SULONG Recovery Plan 2021-2022 was crafted. The Plan also contribute to the implementation of DSWD commitment to NAP Phase 3, RECHARGE PH, NEP 2021 among others.
Legal Bases
1. Republic Act No. 11495 - Bayanihan to Recover as One Act
2. Republic Act No. 11469 - Bayanihan Heal as One Act
3. Executive Order No. 114 - Institutionalizing the Balik Probinsya, Bagong Pag-asa program
4. Executive Order No. 168 – Creation of the Inter-Agency Task Force - Emerging Infectious Disease (IATF-IED)
5. Administrative Order No. 5, s. 2020 - Adoption of PGS Pathways, DSWD Strategy Map 2028 and DSWD Governance Scorecards
6. Administrative Order No. 6, s. 2020 – Re-establishment of the Office for Strategy Management
7. Administrative Order No. 03, s. 2020 – DSWD COVID-19 Response and Recovery Plan (2020-2022)
8. Memorandum Circular No. 8, s. 2020 – Simplified Data Sharing Guidelines on the Provision of DSWD Programs and Services During a National State of Emergency
9. Memorandum Circular No. 9, s. 2020 – Omnibus Guidelines in the Implementation of the Emergency Subsidy Program of the DSWD
10. Memorandum Circular No. 10, s. 2020 – Amendments to MC No. 5, s. 2020 on the Provision of Social Amelioration to 4PS Households
11. Memorandum Circular No. 19, s. 2020 – Special Guidelines on the Provisions on the Livelihood Assistance Program
12. Memorandum Circular No. 30, s. 2020 – Guidelines on the Implementation of the Provisions of RA 11494
The Plan serves as an interim plan and a building block for the strategy that was originally designed. It serves as the preparation of the Department to operate in the context of the Mandanas Ruling and be the way of capacitating the organization to transition to the new normal. The Plan will also operate amidst both pandemic and within the Mandanas Ruling in place. In best case scenario, the Department can slowly adopt either Fold-in or Parallel means of implementation by 2022.
Strategic Priorities
DSWD SULONG Recovery Governance Scorecards
Updated 02 September 2021
Plan and Monitoring Template